Friday, August 3, 2007

in austin.

Time is coming down to the wire. I've been in austin for five days and will be on a plane to sweden in less than two weeks. The summer in Atlanta was definitely awesome. I couldn't have asked for a better group of friends. I don't think Allison and I spent more than 24 hours without contact. We got to be free of school and just have fun. This summer was the first time I ever swam in Campanile. Too bad Devin had to move to Boston.

So far in Austin hasn't been nearly as exciting. I did visit Josh at Fort Hood. I have never seen so many shaved heads in my life. From the minute i crossed the Killeen city limit, I felt like I was in a whole other world. One that felt oppressed. Josh definitely has a new take on life. Same personality, whole different person. I felt like i got a new insight into the military in the United States, and it makes me unhappy. There are so many minds that have been altered to think as Iraqis as non-humans. Sure. there are the bad guys- but didn't we create them. and what about the thousands that aren't, the ones that just want to live their lives. ok. i'm done.

I saw Larry and Michelle as well! Its good that there are familiar faces here. Otherwise, I think i would go crazy. Oh did i mention the 28 hour trip from Atlanta to Lexington KY to Austin. I have definitely cultivated quite a disliking towards Kentucky and Arkansas. Please don't make me go back...The plus side: I got to see Arthur on our way through Dallas.

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