Saturday, September 15, 2007

was that ice!?

So this week has definitely been like no other. i'm still dealing with my somewhat masochistic ways (not literally), but hopefully by the end of week I can put everything to rest or at least make something of it. I joined Gerdahallen last week (the biggest gym in sweden!!!- in other words, a normal size gym from the states). I went to a gympa class- sort of like aerobics on steroids- and an african dance class. let me tell you, there is not much thats more satisfying than watching 100 swedish women cramped into a gym doing 'african dance' simultaneously (almost). The result of the class? I feel really good, but i am sooooo sore. sore in places i've never been before. the swedes are on to something, i think i must have burned 1000 calories in those classes.
Last night i went to a thank you sittning at Krishansta, it was super fun, we started at effy's and had a couple drinks and snacks, then over to the dinner. ooooooh i was extremely tipsy- so i didn't have anything more to drink after the dinner. after that we went back to sparta to let our feet rest (sara and i always make very poor shoe decisions) and biked home to spoletorp. i made it the whole way with sara on the back of my bike! she's such a good passenger.
I got home and slept really well for about and hour and half before i started having really terrible dreams, so needless to say, i didn't sleep very well last night, but today i will rest- sort of. i have a lot of work still to do. boooo.
oh- did i mention there was ICE (not the craftshow kind) on the rode when i biked to class yesterday morning. das ist alles.

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